Level 1 & 2 Degree Practitioner

                     Training Dates

Friday       23rd August 18.00 - 21.00

Saturday   24th August 10.00 - 18.00

Sunday     25th August 10.00 - 18.00

Friday       11th October 18.00 - 21.00

Saturday  12th October 10.00 - 18.00

Sunday    13th October 10.00 - 18.00

Venue: Shelf, Halifax, West Yorkshire

This training is life changing, and imparts the unique healing system of Angelic Reiki that is taught over two and a half days.

Working hand in hand with the Angelic Realms, Ascended Masters and Galactic Beings, this training

will teach you about profound healing for yourself and others along with distant healing. It will transform  your consciousness awareness, personal development, transformation and ascension.

Angelic Reiki is a powerful healing system that works with the highest, brightest and purest energies of the Angelic Realm through you as a channel as a Practitioner for healing and cleansing.

Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui and Shamballa lineage and combines these with the powerful transmissions channelled by Kevin Core.

Angelic attunements impact profoundly at molecular level; it will change your DNA, your cells and

molecules and activate your light body.

    The gifts from the workshop:

   * A complete karma cutting and Angelic clearing before attunement.

   * Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st & 2nd degree levels

   * The 7 symbols given are activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels from Archangel


   * An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through Archangel


   * Hands on healing experience channelling Angelic Reiki energy

   * Guidance on self healing, distant healing, treatment on pregnant women, children and animals

   * Advice on healing practicalities

   * Techniques to attune healing tools

   * A Quartz Master Crystal to hold the Angelic codes of healing

   * A comprehensive training manual

   * Certificate of training achievement to 1st & 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki


      Investment in this workshop is £252

     To secure a place a non refundable deposit of £52 is required

      Payment plans are considered - payments by Bank transfer, PayPal, or cash

      There is continued support after the training along with monthly Reiki shares

      Contact Cathy for further details of the training or future dates

Level 3 & 4 Degree Master Teacher


                                Training Dates




  Venue: Shelf, Halifax, West Yorkshire


  For those that are level 1 & 2 Angelic Reiki Practitioners and feel that you are ready to advance and

  progress your personal spiritual development to Master level and Teacher of Angelic Reiki then this is

  the training for you, the Angelic Kingdom, Star Beings and the Divine Presence will assist you throughout

  the training and through your future journey of ascension and enlightenment.

  Join us for New Beginnings – New Cycle of Time.

 The training is run over two and a half days, it is a powerful energetic experience and it lays the grounding

 for the Galactic Ascension energies that is coming in now.

 Students will feel themselves become empowered with spiritual power and knowledge and feel the love that   is sent from the Heart of the Galaxy.

  Gifts you will receive:

  • Revisiting healing techniques taught in level 1 & 2 level


  • Opportunities to share healing experiences

  3 New Healing techniques

  • Healing through the eye contact as used in Atlantis

  • Healing with Soul Group energies

  • Healing with energies of the Divine Presence and Divine Blessing

  • 13 symbols gateway to multidimensional healing activated to Angelic level

     through 7 levels of form and Divine form through Archangel Metatron


  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 3 & 4 Master Degree

  • Gifts of higher knowledge that is given by Sarim the Prince of a Kingdom

  • Opportunities in healing practice sessions

  • A comprehensive Master/Teacher manual will be provided

  • A certificate of achievement to level 3 & 4 Angelic Reiki Master Teacher will be awarded

   Investment in this workshop is £450

   To secure a place a non refundable deposit of £100 is required

   Payment plans are considered - payments by Bank transfer, PayPal, or cash

   There is continued support after the training along with Reiki shares



     WORKSHOP 1: The World of Crystals & Healing

                                     for Beginners


Date: TBA


Time: 10.00 - 17.00

Venue: Crystal Serenity Shelf, Halifax, West Yorkshire

Crystals are not only lovely to look at they can infuse you with their individual healing energies, to

assist you with your overall well being and ascension to higher dimensions.

Come along and explore how you can interact intuitively with the crystals. Understand why you are

drawn to certain crystals and how you can become friends with them in everyday life and how to

use them in healing techniques, and much more.

There are many new crystals to explore and to assist you in raising your vibration and for

assisting healing dis-ease, to use for meditations and more.

This is an informative, fun and interactive workshop where you can be amongst the wonderful energies

of the crystals, crystal divas and angelic realms.

This Workshop is for individuals that are "beginners" in the field of crystals and crystal healing,

although more experienced individuals are welcome to attend.

You will learn and experience the following:

• What is Crystal Healing and how does it work?

• History of Crystal Healing

• The care of crystals, including cleansing and cautions when using crystals

• Choosing crystals for the home, office and self.

• How to use crystals for self healing –group activity - new activities

• Introduction to the 7 Chakras (energy centres)

    • Manifesting with crystals
    • Crystal grids

• Receive a Chakra balance from Cathy

• Participate in a group Guided Crystal/Angelic Higher Realms Meditation or connect

   with your higher self.

   You will receive a file and information sheets on all work covered in the workshop.

   You will be able to take home crystals that have worked with you on the day

   There will be crystals to purchase on the day.

   A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded.

   Time of Workshop: 10.00 to 17.00 with an hour for lunch (flexible)

   Refreshments will be supplied. Please bring a light lunch to share

  Investment & energy share in the workshop is: £55 with a £25 non refundable deposit is required to

  secure your place. Payment by PayPal,  Bank transfer or Cash.

 Christine in March 2020

 "I have just completed my level 1 in crystals, what an amazing course. Catherine is so knowledgeable in

 crystals, I've learnt so much and in such an interactive, safe, friendly environment. I can highly recommend

 this course to anyone who is interested in learning about crystals. I am really looking forward to do my

 level 2"

WORKSHOP 2: Crystal Healing & Energy Healing

for Intermediates

Date: TBA

Time:  10.00 – 17.00

Venue:  Crystal Serenity Shelf, Halifax, West Yorkshire

During this one day workshop you will attain an understanding of how the chakra system governs

the body, and how these energy vortexes are affected by our thoughts, emotions and the

environment. By using crystals you will be shown how to cleanse, heal and balance the major

chakra system, along with deepening your intuition with working with crystals.

              NEW - Introduction to the higher dimension chakras and their colours and crystals associated.

  You will learn and experience the following:

• Understanding the major chakra system and related healing crystals. New group activity

• How to choose a crystal intuitively for specific healing.

  (Crystals chosen to use in group healing in the class)

• Choosing crystals by colour and how our bodies are affected by colour.

            12 Ascension Chakras and their colours  

• How to use a pendulum and to cleanse and balance the chakras, group activity

   Have a go at chakra balancing under the instruction of Cathy.

•. About Quartz and Healing with Quartz. How to program quartz crystals.                     

   (New forms of programming)

    • Have a go at chakra balancing under Cathy's supervision.

• Sensing the energy fields (aura) and their connections with the chakras, and touch on how to

   heal the aura with crystals. All new activities

"Crystals supply healing and energy for a lifetime of use"

     You will receive a file and information sheets on all work covered in the workshop

     You will be able to take home quartz crystals that have worked with you on the Day

     There will be crystals to purchase on the day

     A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded

   Refreshments will be supplied. Please bring a light lunch to share

   Investment & energy share in the workshop is: £55 with a £25 non refundable deposit to secure

   your place.

MUNAY-KI training

Mentors training and Gifting of the Rites workshops

Foundation Rites:              Date: TBA

Lineage Rites:                    Date: TBA

The Time To Come Rites:  Date: TBA

The Mentors Training:       Date:TBA for those that have completed their 9 rites.

Future Mentors Training:  TB

Ceremony 1 - Foundation Rites - The Healers, The Bands of Power, The Harmony Rite and

                      The Seer Rite.

Ceremony 2 - Lineage Rites - The Daykeepers, The Wisdom Keepers, The Earthkeepers.

Ceremony 3 - The Rites Of Time To Come - The Starkeepers, The Creator.

Due to the power of the rites we believe it is preferable to receive the Rites over a period of time in order to allow for integration.

The rites are offered as an energetic exchange/donation in accordance with the Andean tradition of ayni (reciprocation) on a one to one and group basis. Suggested donation of £40 per ceremony. Total £120 for receiving all rites, if you want to pass on the Rites the exchange is £70 for the Mentors training.

See the following  web page for more information:

See the Munay-Ki page on this web site for more about what you will receive on the day.


The Metatron Method Practitioner - Angelic Reiki 

Investment for 2 days training £252


 Training Dates

 This is for those that would like to deepen their understanding and nature of Angelic Reiki and the Gift of

  Archangel Metatron.

  Discover the principles of the Angelic Kingdom of Light and its Divine Invitation of the sacred esoteric

  wisdom of Angelic Reiki. Learn new healing methods, add more tools to add to your tool kit.

  Experience and develop further your vocation as healers and teachers, to practice and teach enabling you

  stand in your own power.

  The Gifts of this workshop are:

  New healing methods, Etheric Body Healing and Spherical Healing

  Activating of all the 12 chakras

  Angelic Reiki in Death and Dying

  The Four Elements

  Ascension Changes

  Sacred Geometry and Platonic Solids for Healing & Personal Mastery

  Golden Pyramid of Light

  Rules and Laws of Healing

  Archangels and Ascended Masters - Detailed Guidance Ritual and Knowledge

  The Platonic Solids of Metatron

  and more

  Receive Attunement to Archangel Metatron

  Substantial learning material
  Set of Platonic Solids

  Certificate of Completition which entitles you to become a Metatron Method Practitioner.

 Payment plans are considered to suit your budget