Intuitive Complementary & Holistic Healing
Training & Workshops
Halifax, West Yorkshre
Taking charge of your Health, Well-Being & Spiritual Development
Cathy Ritchie SSSCHT ACHO.AP22004 Dip BCMA Reg.
£35 for 50 minutes
What is Thai Foot Massage?
Thai Foot Massage is a traditional treatment. It has been practiced for thousands of years in India
and South Eastern Asia. It also has become a popular form of foot massage in Thailand.
Thai Foot Massage is part of the Tradition Thai Medicine (TTM) which constitutes an autonomous
healing system.
In TTM there are 10 (Sen) (Meridians) major energy lines that run throughout the body, that run from
the naval up and down the body to the soles of the feet to acupressure points. By stimulating these
points a state of relief, balance and the feeling of serenity and wellness for the mind and body can
be achieved.
There are elements of Shiatsu, Reflexology and Chinese massage incorporated into the massage.
Thai Foot Massage is a massage of the lower legs and feet. Also a gentle manipulation of the hips to
aid the reduction of stiffness.
It involves hands on massage, stretching and acupressure to stimulate reflex points.
What to Expect in a treatment?
above the knee.
fingers, palms, thumbs and knuckles to work the feet.
Benefits of Thai Foot Massage:
hormone released in the body.
Thai Hand Massage
Thai hand massage is a deeply relaxation treatment that works along side of the Thai foot massage or
as a separate work out.
It involves working gently on the hands and lower arms to stimulate the reflex points creating a feeling
of mental calmness and serenity.
For Thai Foot Massage - £20
For Thai Hand Massage - £10
A Consultation prior to a treatment is mandatory to ensure there is no reason for the treatment
not proceed e.g recent strokes, early pregnancy, heart conditions or epilepsy.