Intuitive Complementary & Holistic Healing
Training & Workshops
Halifax, West Yorkshre
Taking charge of your Health, Well-Being & Spiritual Development
Cathy Ritchie SSSCHT ACHO.AP22004 Dip BCMA Reg.
£40 per 70 mins
What are the Access Bars?
Gary Douglas, is the founder of Access Consciousness
Please watch the videos to learn what running your access
bars can do for you.
For more information and what benefits you can achieve by
having your bars run contact me on 077650 65466
What happens during a treatment?
After a 10 minute consultation you will be asked to lay on a massage bed fully clothed. The practitioner
will place her fingers on your head using a number of techniques on the 32 acupressure points. The
length of time this takes depends on what requires releasing, usually it can take about 60 - 70 minutes.
What you may experience during a treatment
Whilst the bars are being run you will feel totally relaxed and at may experience a mixture of
feelings depending on which acupressure points the practitioner is holding. The treatment is non
invasive and gentle.
How will I be after the treatment?
You will feel as though something has changed in a good way, your deep felt beliefs and thoughts that
you have hung onto for a long time that have hindered your progress will have changed in a positive way.
You will notice that your behaviour and emotions to situations will improve.
These are just a few benefits from having your Bars run.
"What would it take for you to move forward with ease and grace"
£40 per 70mins approx inc. consultation
Working on your auto immune system - assists the managing of type 1 & 2 diabetes.
£40 per session
This treatment is not a facial, no products are used in the treatment.
There is no music playing and no essential oils are used.
Hands and fingers are placed on strategic acupressure points on the face and neck
whilst you lay comfortably on a massage bed.
The Access Facelift is a gentle, kind and easier on your body.
"All of Life Comes to Me with Ease and Joy and Glory"